


Project-specific communications consultancy and media relations work for the Unilever margarine brands Becel pro.activ and Becel Gold. For Becel pro.activ, currycom designed the PR service package for the national information and test campaign “Mitmachen & Cholesterin senken” (Join in & lower cholesterol). For Becel Gold, in addition to the PR service package for the product launch, the focus was on appealing to the emotions of the public via different media, and this was achieved by means of a recipe competition together with media cooperation projects and foodie competitions.

Client: Becel pro.activ | Becel Gold

Project type: project client
Client since: 2011
Branch: food
Team (in alphabetical order): Bernadette Höritzauer, Elisabeth Jirikowski, Martina Pehsl
Photo credits (in order of appearance): Becel/Frank von Wieding, Unilever/Becel, Becel/Daniel Mikkelsen, Unilever/currycom