Erfolgreiche Projekte bestätigen unser Tun.

McDonald’s Österreich

McDonald's Österreich

The annual PR service package for the system catering market leader McDonald’s Austria comprises strategic communications consultancy, continuous reputation management and also the conception and implementation of a wide range of different PR measures. The emphasis is on raising awareness of the quality and origin of the McDonald’s Austria products, product launches, the local communication support of the franchisees, employer issues and also corporate publishing.

Client: McDonald’s Austria
Project type: all-year client
Client since: 2010
Branch: food, system catering
Team (in alphabetic order): Julia Burgholzer, Florentina Perschy, Angelika Paul, Martina Wenzel
Photo credits (in order of appearance): McDonald’s Austria/currycom, McDonald’s Austria, McDonald’s Austria/Christian Husar, currycom/Philip Michtner, McDonald’s Austria/Christian Husar

28. April 2015