


currycom has been responsible for the strategic communications and advertising consultancy for the Rosenarcade for more than 5 years. As well as the CI and CD concept of the stylish shopping centre in the heart of Tulln (Lower Austria), all classic promotional and dialogue-oriented measures such as a customer magazine, advertisements and posters bear the hallmarks of currycom. A passion for shopping meets a passion for holistic thinking because media strategy, conception, text and graphics come from a single source.

Client: Rosenarcade Tulln
Project type: all-year client
Client since: 2010
Branch: shopping centre, trade
Team (in alphabetical order): Christina Fragner, Barbara Goldschmidt, Sabrina Ruscher
Photo credits (in order of appearance): Rosenarcade/currycom, Rosenarcade/currycom, Rosenarcade

28. April 2015